
Living on-campus offers an amazing opportunity to meet new people. 虽然搬到宿舍或校园公寓可能是一个令人兴奋的时刻, 当你和室友一起生活时,这也可能是一个改变的时期. Here are some tips to help make the situation less stressful!

Students walking downtown

Remember, not to judge before you meet. 给 yourself a chance to get to know them. All relationships take time and patience.

Many times college roommates become lifelong friends. And sometimes they are just the person you share a room with. Either way, communication and respect are key. 你会在UNH遇到很多人,所以如果你和你的室友不能马上相处得很好,也不用担心. 


  • 你带什么来?? 
  • Extra furniture or storage units?
  • Any significant health issues or allergies?
  • Are you generally neat or messy? 
  • What are your sleeping habits? 
  • How do you like to study? 
  • How do you feel about friends/partners visiting? 
  • What is your stance on borrowing between roommates?
  • What is your understanding of UNH’s drug and alcohol policy?

联合国儿童基金会对未成年人使用酒精或非法药物有坚定的政策. If students are found responsible for breaking these policies, they may face eviction from University 住房. 与你的室友讨论你在这方面的期望是非常重要的。.


Communication is the key to any successful relationship! The person you're sharing a room with cannot read your mind. So if something is bothering you, speak up! You probably cannot read minds either, so ask before you act.

No roommate is perfect, and that includes YOU. 如果你的室友找你谈什么事,不要心烦意乱,也不要马上为自己辩护. 听 to what they have to say, and don't interrupt them. You'll get the opportunity to present your side of the issue. It's not always easy to confront your roommate about something, 所以你应该尊重他们愿意和你谈论这件事.

Start a conversation, not an argument

If you need to talk to your roommate about something, be sure to choose your words and tone of voice wisely. 如果一个人对你大喊大叫,你可能会不高兴,这可能会引发一场战斗. 如果有什么事情真的困扰着你,在你勃然大怒之前,花点时间冷静下来. 你会和你的室友进行更有成效的对话.

If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all

如果你忍不住想和你室友的朋友或在社交媒体上聊八卦. 不要这样做! 想象一下,如果你的室友在背后说了一些伤害你的话,你会有多难过. Venting is only a short-term fix. 你应该采取更友善、更成熟的方式,和你的室友好好谈谈. It's not always easy to call someone out on an annoying habit, but at least it's taking steps to resolve the issue.


你可能有一个讨厌的习惯,问问你的家人或亲密的朋友. 你的室友也很有可能会做一些让你生气的事情. 不要犯错误,认为他们这样做只是为了打扰你. 问问他们! 当有事情困扰你时,我们建议你礼貌地询问他们. Asking these questions can seem challenging, but will help you move forward in your roommate relationship!

Find something that you like or respect about your roommate

超越表象或刻板印象,去了解和你共享空间的人. Everyone has something interesting about them. Talk to them and find out what it is!

Be familiar with the Guest Policy

没有室友的同意,你不能有过夜客人. 尽管你可能觉得你有权利邀请你的客人过来,但这也是你室友的房间. If they aren't comfortable with the situation, 你需要尊重他们的意愿,他们也必须尊重你.

Have fun with the situation!

If you put positive energy into the relationship, chances are that something good will come out of it. Don't look at having a roommate as a problem. 这是一个了解自己的机会——也许在这个过程中你甚至会交到一两个朋友!


Handling roommate conflicts can be tough, 这就是为什么联合国大学培训我们的助理校长和厅长调解冲突的原因.  如果你和室友之间有问题,而你自己无法解决, reach out to Hall 工作人员. 你的宿舍管理员或宿舍主任可以给你一些建议,告诉你如何与室友交谈, or they can help mediate a conversation between you.

Stay polite and don't assume!

记住要尊重和礼貌,即使你已经认识他们很多年了.  Don’t just assume that they’ll be okay with something. Always ask what they think, 从张贴新海报到邀请共同的朋友来过夜.




虽然有一些品质可能导致成为室友,但要乐于接受改变. 如果你和你的室友有不同的朋友群,不要感到惊讶或受伤.  扩大你的社交网络是你大学冒险的一部分.