Benefits FAQ's

Address changes are made in WISE. Once logged into your account, select “update address.“这一变化将发送给所有核心福利供应商,但任何灵活支出账户(Wageworks)和任何自愿福利除外. 这些供应商将需要直接联系,以确保您的地址更新.  You can find contact information on the HR benefits page.

Rate information can be found on USNH HR website - review USNH Benefits for the current year.

Congratulations on the new arrival!  要更改您的福利,请按照UNH福利上的说明 Change in Status page.

身份证必须直接向供应商索取或获取. 对于信诺保险卡,登录您的账户并根据需要打印临时身份证.

Medical: Cigna 800-244-6224

Dental: Northeast Delta Dental 800-832-5700

Prescription: OptumRx  866-633-5874


  • 保险公司是否已收到您的注册信息, you can call the vendor for your ID number, 然后你可以在供应商的网站上打印一张临时身份证.  
  • If you are not able to print an ID card, you may pay for the visit at time of service, then submit to insurance for reimbursement (file a claim). Claim forms can be found on the vendor websites.
  • 可能有必要重新安排约会到以后的日期.  

Vendor websites:

For Medical: Cigna -  800-244-6224

For Dental: Northeast Delta Dental -  800-832-5700

For Prescription: OptumRx -  866-633-5874

“开放登记”是每年一次的时间窗口,员工可以在此期间改变他们的福利,而无需提出合格的理由. 在开放注册期间,即使你没有做出改变,也最好回顾一下你的福利. 在开放注册期间,有一些福利需要每年更新,例如灵活的支出账户. 其他福利需要批准才能继续进行下一个计划年度的选举.


Each year, Open Enrollment 日期将通过电子邮件、校园邮件和邮寄到家庭地址的方式公布. 开放注册通常在十月底,持续两周. 在开放注册期间所做的任何更改将于次年1月1日生效. 

更改可以在每年的开放注册期间进行,生效日期为下一年的第一天. 有一些原因允许您在开放注册之外进行更改, these are referred to as ‘Qualified Change in Status’ events.

Life insurance updates and changes are done online at 退休和自愿人寿保险的更新是直接与供应商进行的.


了解医疗保健灵活支出账户和家属护理灵活支出账户的截止日期是很重要的. Please click this link to review the deadlines.

兼职员工确实有各种各样的福利.  You can find detailed information here.

当USNH不承担该计划的保费时,该福利被认为是自愿的, 然而,USNH将通过方便的工资扣除提供购买福利的机会. The benefits are provided at a group rate, 即使在就业结束后,这些福利也可能继续存在.  

It lowers the amount of your taxable income, therefore, you’ll pay less income tax which may increase your net pay. 

The EAP provides many free or discounted resources to employees, your dependents and any anyone who lives in your household. 其中一些好处包括,咨询,服务推荐,研究和课程. Learn about the EAP and all that is available for you!

如有可能,请病假应提前30天提出. More information about a leave of absence here.

The first step in requesting a leave of absence it to complete a request for leave form. 如果可能的话,这应该在你休假前至少30天完成. 然后,您将获得有关您可获得的福利的信息. The form can be found here.

Enrollment into a retirement account is completed online.  详细的注册说明可在人力资源网站上找到:

The 403(b) plan 在税收优惠的基础上为退休提供储蓄的机会. 参加退休计划的合资格雇员可获得雇主供款匹配,有助雇员达到退休储蓄目标.

个人可以使用USNH 403(b)补充退休计划来支付高于6%的额外缴款, up to the IRS limit. Click this link for more information about a Supplemental Retirement Account.

The 457(b) Deferred Compensation Plan 允许个人在税收优惠的基础上留出一部分工资.  为了能够为该计划做出贡献,员工必须积极参与 403(b) retirement plan. Contributions are subject to plan limits.  

For more information visit Leave of Absence or call HR Benefits at 862-0504.

艰苦条件和贷款条款只能通过补充退休帐户获得, certain criteria apply. More information about Retirement.

You can change your deferrals anytime, 但是,所有更改在收到更改后的第一个月的第一天生效.

ROTH退休账户的缴款是在你的收入计算完税后进行的.  对税前退休账户的缴款是指按你的收入计算税前的缴款.  


USNH provides free consultations with retirement planners. You can schedule a one hour, 免费与TIAA及/或富达的代表进行现场预约. Click this link for more information about scheduling an appointment.