Resources for Faculty & Staff

The mental health needs on campus are increasing as well as the severity of issues our students are encountering. 
PACS看到越来越多的学生患有精神疾病, trauma histories, substance abuse, and chronic long-term relational problems. Students coming for help are often presenting in crisis and in need of academic intervention in order to continue at UNH.


 How faculty can support their students.




而PACS是永利app新版本官网地址学生的主要心理健康设施, 所有办公室和部门都与有心理健康问题的学生有联系. We have a shared responsibility to respond to students with care and compassion for their personal well-being as well as concern for their academic success. The PACS staff regularly consult with faculty, staff, parents, 以及其他重要的人关心的学生以及如何支持他们. We also train departments, upon request, on how to support students that are experiencing distress.

The information below explains when professional counseling might be beneficial to a student and how to make a referral to PACS. The concept of professional confidentiality and information about other types of referral and consultation services are also discussed.

Please refer to UNH’s Faculty and Staff Recognize, Respond, Refer, and Reach Out 获取校园其他支持性资源的信息指南.

Please Note: PACS does not provide notes or letters to professors regarding class attendance or other mental health matters. 


A caring faculty or staff person may be in a unique position to identify a student who is struggling. 因此,你的位置是倾听支持和推荐有困难的学生到PACS.

PACS为学生、教职员、专业人士和教师提供咨询服务. 这些咨询通常集中在对个别学生的关注上, 发生在教室和宿舍的行为问题, 或者其他可能有重要心理层面的问题. 工作人员将在日常日程允许的情况下尽快答复咨询请求. Please tell the receptionist if you think the situation is an emergency requiring immediate attention.

The reasons that individuals seek help from mental health providers are as varied as people themselves. An individual’s motives for seeking counseling might range from wishing to solve a particular problem to desiring to enhance their own personal development. In any case, 以下指标在决定是否将学生转介到PACS时可能有用. 以防止可能的过度解释一个单一或孤立的行为, it is probably advisable to look for clusters of signs which appear at approximately the same time. 如果有疑问,请毫不犹豫地咨询PACS的工作人员.

Five Signs of Emotional Suffering


Personality changes
你可能会注意到某人典型行为方式的突然或逐渐变化. 在这种情况下,人们的行为方式似乎不符合他们的价值观, or the person may just seem different.

You may notice the person has more frequent problems controlling their temper and seems irritable or unable to calm down. People in more extreme situations of this kind may be unable to sleep or may explode in anger at a minor problem.

Withdrawal or isolation from other people
Someone who used to be socially engaged may pull away from family and friends and stop taking part in activities that used to be enjoyable. 在更严重的情况下,患者可能开始无法上班或上学. 不要与行为或更内向的人混淆, 这个迹象的标志是这个人典型的社交能力的变化, 就像有人脱离了通常可用的社会支持一样.

你可能会注意到这个人在个人护理水平上的变化,或者一个糟糕的判断行为. For instance, someone may let personal hygiene deteriorate, or the person may start abusing alcohol or illicit substances or engaging in other self-destructive behavior that may alienate loved ones.

Have you noticed someone who used to be optimistic and now can’t find anything to be hopeful about? That person may be suffering from extreme or prolonged grief, or feelings of worthlessness or guilt. 在这种情况下,人们可能会说,如果没有他们,世界会更好, suggesting suicidal thinking.

Adapted from The Campaign to Change Direction (2017)

除了可能需要咨询的迹象或症状, there are other guidelines which may help a faculty or staff member define the limits of their involvement with a particular student’s problem. 在下列情况下,通常需要转介:

  1. 学生提出的问题或要求的信息超出了你的知识范围
  2. You feel that personality differences which cannot be resolved between you and the student will interfere with your helping the student
  3. The problem is personal, 你和这个学生不是专业上的朋友, neighbor, relative, etc.)
  4. 一个学生出于某种原因不愿意和你讨论问题
  5. 你不相信你与学生的接触是有效的

当你确定一个学生可能会从专业咨询中受益, it is usually best to speak directly to the student in a straightforward fashion that will show your concern for their welfare. 试图欺骗或诱骗学生寻求咨询是不可取的. Make it clear that this recommendation represents your best judgment based on your observations of the student’s behavior. 具体说明引起你担忧的行为, 避免对个人进行一概而论.

Except in emergencies, the option must be left open for the student to accept or refuse counseling. 如果学生出于某种原因持怀疑态度或不情愿, simply express your acceptance of those feelings so that your own relationship with the student is not jeopardized. Give the student the opportunity to consider other alternatives by suggesting that they might need some time to think it over. If the student emphatically says “no,” then respect that decision, 并再次为以后可能重新考虑的情况留下余地. 如果学生同意转介,学生可以打电话或去PACS预约. 我们必须直接和学生谈安排预约. The student’s first contact with PACS will typically be an initial consultation in which the student and counselor meet to make a decision about the type of help needed. Initial consultation appointments are usually scheduled within a week of the student’s request to be seen at PACS. Students requiring immediate help because of psychological difficulties are seen the same day on an urgent basis. Finally, you should follow up with the student at a later date to show your continued interest even if they did not accept your attempted referral.

在学生不愿或不能自行寻求帮助的紧急情况下, please call 911. 

It is important for members of the University community to understand that all sessions with mental health professionals at PACS are confidential in nature. Information obtained during counseling sessions cannot be released except upon the student’s written request, 在会对个人或他人造成明显危险的情况下, reports of child or elder neglect/abuse, reports of hazing, or as may be required by other laws; PACS adheres very strictly to this policy.

如果教师或工作人员对学生与PACS的联系感兴趣, 直接从学生那里获得信息是最好的. It should be noted that students are not bound by the same promises of confidentiality that professional counselors are obliged to keep. PACS clinicians do not provide notes or have direct contact with faculty or staff regarding specific students; communications about specific students generally take place through the Dean of Students.

学生援助的来源并不局限于专业咨询. 他们也可能包括转诊给医生, UNH Health & Wellness, the 性骚扰和强奸预防计划(SHARPP), Housing & Residential Life, the Center for Academic Resources (CFAR), the University Advising Center如父母、厅长或神职人员等. For this reason, knowledge of persons, offices, 能够为学生提供服务的机构是最重要的. Students become discouraged and frustrated when they feel passed along from office to office without receiving the assistance they need. If you are unsure of the appropriate place to send a student to for specific information or help, call PACS at (603) 862-2090 (Relay NH: 1-800-735-2964) for information or consultation about the various sources of help on campus.

PACS does not 为大学员工、教职员工提供持续的咨询服务. The University provides an Employee Assistance Program for all employees and their family members. 员工可拨打1-800-424-1749,一年365天,每天24小时.